Hello Streamyx...bye-bye Dail-up

Walla...at last, after 4 months of waiting, the streamyx service was connected 2 days ago (Friday). We thought we have to wait longer coz normally Telekom would only entertain us (those shifted to a new housing area) if and only if there are 40 or 50 applications for fixed lines from our neighbours.

Well, we have been using Streamyx before at our old place and were quite happy with the service (speed and stability). But after shifting to the new place last December, TM is yet to even offer fixed lines. We ended up using dail-up 1515 with our CDMA (wireless fixed line offered by TM).
From 5th gear....back to 1st gear....huh!

Now, we are rather happy....each one of us simultaneously use the net at broadband speed...my daughter with her online games, my spouse with her research...and me, updating info for our Residents Assoc!

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