CNY holiday ....what a long break

28 Jan 06 Sat

Started journey balik kampung at 5.00 am. Arrived at my spouse kampung sharp at 7 am. A smooth journey indeed. Had breakfast and visit our new niece, just warded at the hospital for jaundice (yellow fever). She's only 5-day old. Then, left for my hometown. Relax at home.

27 Jan

Working as usual but already in holiday mood. CNY, Awal Muharam & Federal Territory Day are coming up. Public holiday from Monday 30 until 2 Feb. So, plan to balik kampung and visit our parents.

26 Jan

woke up late. Rush to send my spouse to work.

25 Jan

send my mom-in-law back home. She is needed back home to care for our new-born niece.

22 Jan

My mom went back home with my young sister.

19 Jan

My mom came to help us care for our sick daughter. I also took 2 day leave from work.

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