25 Nov - Friday

Rush back to hometown. My spouse's grandpa was admitted to ICU. Low heartbeat and broken hip. Pity him. He is an old man, 91 yr old. Our plan to invite cousins tomorrow to our house had to be cancelled. Maybe postponed to next week. I also had to cancel 2 invitations (one at Serendah, another at my residential area).

24 Nov - Thursday
Having quick lunch with my boss! What else....Chapati, dal & other Indian foodstuff.
21 Nov - Monday
Yeah! Another invitation. This time, at a nearby neighbour's house. Lepak2 until about 10.30pm.
20 Nov - Sunday
Another Raya open houses at BBB. First, my cousin bro home cooked nasi briyani! Then, my spouse's fren house in SS2, BBB. Too tired to attend my other fren sis' wedding at Senawang.

19 Nov - Saturday

Had a small meet up session with neighbours. 8 people turned up for breakfast. Thanks to Han for the treat. Later that day, attended openhouse at KJ. It was shower all day. We then visited our cousins at USJ2 and USJ15. Last house visited was in BK2. Reached home 12.30am.

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